Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Camas Propagation Research for Restoration of Weippe Prairie, Nez Perce National Historical Park

Project ID: P16AC01609

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Idaho

Fiscal Year: 2016

Initial Funding: $65,391

Total Funding: $82,555

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Nez Perce National Historical Park

Principal Investigator: Kimsey, Mark

Agreement Technical Representative: Lyon, Jason

Abstract: The purpose of this project is to research and develop a planting protocol along with a determination of key environmental site factors to be used as a tool to guide future camas restoration efforts at the Weippe Prairie. This project will provide insights on site dependent variables required for successfully sustaining high-density camas populations, and a detailed understanding of where these conditions can be replicated on the Weippe Prairie. These tools will then be used to guide future meadow and prairie restoration efforts.

The final report will include the planting protocol for the Weippe Prairie site, an assessment of environmental factors common to high density camas areas, and identification and delineation of other locations within Weippe Prairie that are suitable for camas restoration. This project will also result in completion of a MS thesis on the camas seeding aspects of the project. Yearly public presentation on the project will be held at the NEPE visitor center throughout the course of the study, and at least one article, suitable for subtnission to a peer-reviewed journal, will be produced.

B. Objectives

Investigators frmn UI and NPS staff will collaborate to accomplish the following specific objectives.

1. Develop a planting protocol for cmnas at Weippe Prairie, NEPE. Conduct experimental planting of camas seed gathered from the site under controlled conditions to detennine which tnethods and techniques produce the highest seedling survivability rate. These tests will be replicated and monitored over two growing seasons. From this work, a protocol will be developed on how best to plant camas in the restored high potential sites at Weippe Prairie, and to guide future restoration efforts.

2. Identify specific site environmental variables that are co-located and promote optimal camas growth. This analysis will focus on detailed study of 4-5 known locations within Weippe Prairie that consistently support high density camas. Once these variables are identified, the objective is to determine other locations and conditions within Weippe Prairie as viable candidate sites for camas restoration.