Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Natural Resource Condition Assessments for Cumberland Island and Cape Hatteras

Project ID: P16AC01754

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Fiscal Year: 2016

Initial Funding: $65,009

Total Funding: $130,019

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Cumberland Island National Seashore

Principal Investigator: Robertson, Andy

Agreement Technical Representative: McPherson, R. Dale

Abstract: The primary objective is to conduct collaborative natural resource assessments of CUIS and CAHA. Each NRCA will be conducted in three phases, and this Task Agreement funds all three phases for CUIS only. Pending the availability of funding, all three phases for CAHA may be funded through a task agreement modification during fiscal year 2017. The task agreement modification would also extend the agreement period of performance to allow 18 months for the development of the CAHA NRCA. Phase I for both parks includes conducting scoping, developing a framework, and initiating indicator data development and development of Phase II tasks; Phase II is to implement data development and resource condition assessments; and Phase III is project completion including full draft report reviews, GIS data delivery and review, final product delivery, and final document acceptance.
More specifically, project phases include:

I. Phase I- SMUMN will visit CUIS and CAHA to conduct project scoping discussions, which include evaluation and ranking of the management issues faced by park managers, identifying existing sources of scientific data and information useful for evaluating resource condition status, threats, and stressors on natural resources, and clearly defining project goals, objectives, and expectations. SMUMN will work with the NPS project team to develop the comprehensive list of indicators and the project framework that will guide data development and condition assessments.
II. Phase II – Based on Phase I scope refinement results, SMUMN will work with NPS on identified, component-based sources of geospatial data and other information, to complete resource condition assessments. This will require working closely with NPS staff to efficiently identify and compile all available data and information sources pertinent to the project. In addition, SMUMN and NPS will capitalize on federal and state data clearinghouses and their personal knowledge of information sources, solicitations to external experts, and literature reviews to locate and access relevant information. SMUMN will synthesize and summarize relevant data and coordinate condition assessments for all components; SMUMN will draft and the NPS will review and approve all report chapter 4 sections during Phase II.
III. Phase III – SMUMN, with NPS assistance, will develop a CUIS report that provides a multi-disciplinary synthesis of the resource data and information to inform NPS about scientific significance, functional status, and current and emerging issues and challenges associated with park-managed natural resources and habitats. The report may include the following themes:
