Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Luminescence Dating at Menard Hodges Site

Project ID: P17AC00524

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2017

Initial Funding: $18,557

Total Funding: $18,557

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Arkansas Post national Monument

Principal Investigator: Feathers, James

Agreement Technical Representative: Bringelson, Dawn

Abstract: The objective of this Agreement is to conduct luminescence analyses to date cultural events at Osotouy Unit of Arkansas Post National Monument (ARPO). This includes selection of existing samples, collection of new samples as appropriate; processing and analysis of pottery, daub, sediments. The information products and/or services identified or developed by this project will be shared through a variety of strategies to increase public awareness knowledge and support for historic preservation and stewardship of the nation’s cultural and historical heritage. The scientific community including researchers external to NPS gains by new knowledge provided through research and related results dissemination of natural, cultural and/or historical resource information. The project assists in the creation, promotion, facilitation, and/or improvements of the public’s understanding of natural, cultural, historic, recreational and other aspects of areas such as
ecological conservation areas, and state and local parks. The NPS staff will work together with the Recipient to jointly organize and deliver seminars, workshops and types of training programs for the purpose of promoting historic preservation to non-Government entities, States, Tribes and local government and the general public.