Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Landscape Change Detection with National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Networks in Support of Landscape Dynamics Monitoring- GLKN

Project ID: P17AC00585

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2017

Initial Funding: $59,379

Total Funding: $346,704

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Great Lakes Network Inventory & Monitoring

Principal Investigator: Kennedy, Robert

Agreement Technical Representative: Sanders, Suzanne

Abstract: The objectives of this Agreement are to further development of change detection research using an existing methodology developed at OSU by Dr. Robert Kennedy termed LandTrendr. The two networks both utilize this approach as part of their respective longterm monitoring programs and rely on its development as technology changes. In addition to LandTrendr, OSU has also developed a companion stand-alone program called TimeSync which is crucial during the validation of the LandTrendr-delineated disturbances. This tool also needs to be upgraded to be compatible with current Windows operating systems. This agreement would allow the Inventory and Management (I&M)
networks to work collaboratively with OSU to ensure the scientific community receives the specific tools they need to continue their respective long-term monitoring programs without interruption. Oregon State University will also facilitate easier use of LandTrendr
for the public and other researchers because this service will move to cloud computing which will greatly increase compute speed, decrease the amount of data storage necessary at the network offices, and remove the need for high level computing within the office.