Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Preservation Field School and Repair of the Keane Wonder Aerial Tramway Towers at Death Valley National Park

Project ID: P19AC01164

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Vermont and State Agriculture College

Fiscal Year: 2019

Initial Funding: $56,001

Total Funding: $56,001

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Interdisciplinary

National Park: Death Valley NP

Principal Investigator: Porter, Doug

Agreement Technical Representative: Skeirik, Randy

Agreement Technical Representative: Wilson, Kevin

Abstract: This project will provide educational training opportunities for volunteers and student assistants by participating in the preservation of a valued cultural resource, the Keane Wonder Aerial Tramway, at DEVA. The participants will receive direct experience in many aspects of a historic preservation project, especially as they apply to historic timbers, working closely with historic preservation professionals. Information and project products will be shared publicly on the park’s web site to increase awareness of the cultural value of the Tramway, and to increase knowledge and support for historic preservation and stewardship of the nation’s cultural and historical heritage.

B. Objectives

Investigators from the UVM and NPS staff will collaborate to accomplish the following specific objectives:

1. Identify, assess, and prioritize the stabilization and repair needs of Towers 5 and 6 of the Keane Wonder Aerial Tramway.
2. Develop and present various preservation options, and develop a repair plan based on the preservation goals of DEVA and NPS.
3. Conduct a field school to provide training in the repair techniques to be implemented in the repair of the towers.
4. Develop a report based on the results of assessment and repair work. The report will include a narrative description of the tasks completed, project goals realized, and project photo documentation.
5. Develop web-based informational and educational media content related to the project objectives and results, and post to DEVA’s website.