Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Quantifying Ecological Effects of Nonnative Fish on Headwater Streams at Crater Lake National Park

Project ID: P20AC01089

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2020

Initial Funding: $32,261

Total Funding: $32,261

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

Principal Investigator: Armstrong, Jonathan

Agreement Technical Representative: Hering, Dave

Abstract: Investigators from OSU and NPS will collaborate to complete the following objectives:
1. Develop a study plan to collect ecological data from Annie Creek headwaters in streams with and without nonnative trout to address the effects of nonnative trout on stream ecological condition. The plan will include details on the sampling design, data to be collected, sampling locations, number of samples, nonnative trout removal treatments, and proposed data analyses.
2. Conduct field sampling in study streams to characterize aquatic macro-invertebrate and amphibian communities, benthic algae production, and other metrics developed by the collaborators.
3. Use electrofishing and/or piscicide treatment to remove nonnative fish from at least one tributary of Annie Creek following standard protocols approved by the NPS.
4. Following nonnative fish removal, conduct another round of field sampling of the key ecological variables and conduct data analyses to examine stream ecosystem responses to fish removal.
5. Develop a final report (suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed journal) that summarizes the project results and includes management recommendations on stream restoration and conservation of native fish.