Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Ecological Impacts of Recreation Use

Project ID: UW-01-16

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2001

Initial Funding: $8,625

Total Funding: $8,625

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Interdisciplinary

National Park: Pacific West Region

Principal Investigator: Gold, Warren

Agreement Technical Representative: Rochefort, Regina

Abstract: 1. Review existing literature on the effects of recreational use on ecosystem structure and function 2. Develop a hierarchical overview of ecological effects of recreational use on park ecosystems. 3. Develop a draft research needs paper for use in an NPS workshop in 2002. 4. Initiate at least one graduate research project.
(Renumbered J9088010022.)
