Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Assessment of Potential for Improving ESA-listed Fish habitat Associated with Operations and Maintenance of the Corps Willamette Project

Project ID: W912HZ-11-2-0045

Federal Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Partner Institution: University of Oregon

Fiscal Year: 2011

Initial Funding: $70,000

Total Funding: $70,000

Abstract: This analysis draws upon prior research, readily available data, and new research and data to develop and apply an approach to assess the potential effects and benefits for ESA listed fish and other native fish from modifying the Corps Willamette Project (WP) revetments, flow management and temperature management in the Willamette River Basin. Monitoring results will be used to implement requirements of NMFS 2008 Biological Opinion on Operations and Maintenance of the Willamette Project. R&D on rivers in the Willamette Basin relating to USACE operations and maintenance is needed to support design and implementation of NMFS 2008 Biological Opinion requirements.