Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

September 9, 2024

NPS Funding Opportunity: Develop a Species Management Strategy for the Anastasia Island Beach Mouse

Project Title: Develop a Species Management Strategy for the Anastasia Island Beach Mouse at Fort Matanzas National Monument, Florida

Goal: Maximize the chances that AIBM will persist and recover from storm-induced negative impacts by achieving a sustainable population size and habitat within FMNM.


  1. Assess the current condition and extent of potential AIBM habitat at FMNM.
  2. Develop a species management strategy for AIBM that will include short and long-term management actions that can be implemented and sustained by park staff without causing unacceptable impacts to other park resources.
    Major tasks will include- but are not limited to- remote sensing research, on-site surveying, preparation of a draft strategy for NPS review, and final strategy preparation and submittal based upon NPS comments.

Final Product: Complete a Fort Matanzas National Monument Anastasia Island Beach Mouse Management Strategy.

Funding and Project Timeline: Funds will be released in Fiscal Year 2025. Project cost has been estimated at up to $100,000. This amount will include the CESU overhead rate of 17.5%. A budget is not requested for the Letter of Interest; it will be requested to the cooperators invited to submit proposals. Tentative start date for project is December 2024 or January 2025. The period of performance will be determined when the final proposal is selected, and agreement is awarded. It is expected to extend 12 months.

Contact: Responses to this request for Letters of Interest (LOI’s) should be directed before September 30, 2024 to Kurt Foote ( Additional questions may be answered by contacting Kurt Foote, Natural Resource Management Specialist, Fort Matanzas National Monument at 904-663-2614.

Please see attached file for more details.