Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Project Database

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Development and Validation of Riverine Water Quality Models

Project ID: W912HZ-18-2-0005 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $158,835 Total Funding: $231,543 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Portland State University will support the work sponsored by the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) to provide development and validation of riverine water quality models. Objective 1: Participate with ERDC researchers in the development, validation, and application of new water quality and…

August 30, 2021

Development of a Concept Manuscript for the Columbia River Estuarine Ecosystem Classification

Project ID: 05096HS004 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $10,000 Total Funding: $10,000 [project-data-part-2]

Development of a Cultural Landscape Report for the High Bridge Ranger Station Historic District at North Cascades National Park

Project ID: P22AC01532 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $39,999 Total Funding: $39,999 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project will contribute to greater public understanding of the cultural significance of the High Bridge Ranger Station by producing a detailed site analysis, documentation, and design proposals that include preservation strategies of these cultural resources. The designs included in this report will…

May 17, 2023

Development of a Cultural Landscape Report for the Tule Lake Segregation Center at Tule Lake National Monument

Project ID: P22AC01373 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $69,934 Total Funding: $69.934 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project will complete a Cultural Landscape Report (CLR) for the Tule Lake Segregation Center, a National Historic Landmark (NHL) that was documented through the Cultural Landscape Inventory (CLI) in 2017. The property is located within the Tule Lake National Monument (park) and…

Development of a Cultural Landscape Report of the Buckner Homestead at North Cascades National Park

Project ID: P20AC01100 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $163,209 Total Funding: $163,209 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Investigators from the UO and NPS staff will collaborate to accomplish the following objectives. 1. Conduct research that identifies landscape and environmental changes over time for the Buckner Homestead Historic District, during the period of significance that is synthesized in an illustrated narrative…

August 30, 2021

Development of a Hybrid-Receptor Model for Characterizing Air Quality Impacts from Wildland Fire Particulate Matter Emmissions

Project ID: J8W07090024 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $178,208 Total Funding: $178,208 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Smoke from fire emissions can be a significant contributor to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and haze. In order to meet air quality regulations, state and federal regulators are beginning to explore reducing the impacts from smoke. To develop meaningful control strategies, federal land…

Development of a Landscape Dynamics Monitoring Protocol for Sierra Nevada Network Parks

Project ID: J8W07070024 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $100,000 Total Funding: $100,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The National Park Service Sierra Nevada Network parks have chosen to monitor landscape changes over time using remote sensing data and technology. The goal is to use existing tested analytical techniques to develop a system of protocols that will address the goals of…

Development of a Monitoring Protocol for the American Pika in Four Park Units

Project ID: J8W07090006 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $59,385 Total Funding: $116,545 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Crater Lake National Park, Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve, Lava Beds National Monument, Lassen Volcanic National Park, and the Upper Columbia Basin Network (UCBN) Inventory and Monitoring Program will produce a comprehensive, peer-reviewed monitoring protocol for the American pika (Ochotona…

Development of a National Parks and Protected Areas Cooperative Studies Program on the Oregon State University Cascades Campus

Project ID: P15AC01598 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $7,990 Total Funding: $767,924 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The Upper Columbia Basin Network (UCBN) of the National Park Service (NPS) will collaborate with Oregon State University (OSU) Cascades Campus to develop a national parks and protected areas cooperative studies program. This program will be housed within OSU Cascades’ Center for the…

Development of a Strategic Marketing Plan to Improve Concession Opportunities

Project ID: P16AC00701 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $9,988 Total Funding: $9,988 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The UW and NPS will collaborate in conducting market research and strategy development; the work will consist of three primary work streams: 1. Business opportunity analysis: The UW will assess how the NPS concession program currently operates and ways to make contracts more…

Development of a Training Course for Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC) Assessment

Project ID: J9W88040001 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $40,000 Total Funding: $134,487 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: A web-based training course and matching CD-ROM will be produced to mass distribute tools for Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC) Assessment. The audience for this interactive training will be federal employees working in fire and fuels management needing to understand FRCC assessment tolls…

Development of a Vegetation Map for Lewis and Clark National Historical Park

Project ID: J8W07090009 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $32,000 Total Funding: $42,344 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Oregon State University will collaborate with the North Coast and Cascades Network to develop a vegetation classification and vegetation map of Lewis and Clark National Historical Park. The OSU team will use automated image segmentation and classification techniques in combination with traditional vegetation…

Development of a Visitor Use Monitoring Protocol for the Southwest Alaska Network

Project ID: J8W07060001 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $66,544 Total Funding: $102,810 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The purpose of this research is to assist the National Park Service (NPS), Southwest Alaska Network (SWAN) in their efforts to gain a better understanding of current visitor use volumes and patterns and develop a system to monitor visitor use over time. This…

Development of an Online Irrigation Scheduling Advisory Program

Project ID: 68-3A75-4-101-02 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $50,965 Total Funding: $267,206 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The project is a cooperative effort involving Oregon State University, NRCS, Wy’East SCD, and USDA to develop an irrigation management advisory program for Oregon irrigators. The project provides decision-support tools for irrigation managers through a web-based package of software that provides irrigation managers…

Development of Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve

Project ID: P22AC00831 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $55,968 Total Funding: $55,968 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project will contribute to greater public understanding of the cultural significance of one of the first publicly recognized cultural landscapes in the nation by sharing knowledge with the Ebey’s Landing Trust Board and the general public by producing a detailed site history…

May 17, 2023

Development of Cultural Resources Baseline Documentation at English Camp and American Camp, San Juan Island National Historical Park

Project ID: P20AC01113 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $104,520 Total Funding: $164,520 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Investigators from the UO and NPS staff will collaborate to accomplish the following objectives in two phases. This Agreement funds Phase 1 work, but may be modified to add future phases, subject to the availability of funding and satisfactory progress of project work….

August 30, 2021

Development of Dog Management Monitoring Program and Protocols for Golden Gate National Recreation Area

Project ID: P17AC01603 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $344,078 Total Funding: $344,078 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: A. Background Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GOGA) contains more than 20 land and coastal units (Attachment A) within the urban San Francisco Bay Area. Management of domesticated dogs poses many issues in the San Francisco Bay Area, and within GOGA particularly. Some…

Development of Fertilizer Guides

Project ID: 68-3A75-4-101-31 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $40,000 Total Funding: $40,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Development of the following fertilizer (or nutrient management) guides: silage corn (Western Oregon), alfalfa (Inland PNW), pasture (inland PNW), and field corn (Inland PNW). All fertilizer guides will be made available on the OSU Extension Service website

Development of Genomics and Behavioral Assays for Understanding Neurotoxicity of Chemicals and Effects on Performance

Project ID: W912HZ-19-2-0042 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $69,998 Total Funding: $209,998 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The goal of this project is to link chemical exposure to behavioral outcomes that are suitable for modeling hazard assessment. Exposure to xenobiotic chemicals can exert neurotoxicity. There is an increasing pressure to reduce the use of animals in toxicity testing. To accomplish…

Development of GIS Maps of Whitebark Pine Communities at Crater Lake National Park, OR

Project ID: J8W07090007 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $3,948 Total Funding: $3,948 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Whitebark pine is a keystone species that is disappearing from Crater Lake National Park. This pine species forms pure stands in the upper subalpine zone where less hardy trees are unable to survive. Nearly half of the park’s westside trees are dead or…

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