Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Project Database

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OR/WA Cascade Siskiyou National Monument (CSNM) Long Term Invertebrate Monitoring

Project ID: L19AC00171 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $7,996 Total Funding: $7,996 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Objective(s): The Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument has one of the highest diversities of butterflies in North America. This biodiversity is one of the reasons for the creation of this monument. This project will support the protection or resource objects of importance as outlined by…

August 30, 2021

OR/WA Conserving Oregon’s Fossil Heritage through Fossil Preparation

Project ID: L19AC00079 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $50,505 Total Funding: $50,505 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Objective(s): The University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History (NMCH) will fund a qualified fossil preparator for nine months to stabilize, prepare, and curate fossils recovered from OR/WA BLM lands in the John Day and Crooked River Basins. Funding will also…

OR/WA Curation and Stewardship of Archaelogical Materials from the Inland Northwest

Project ID: L19AC00127 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $20,000 Total Funding: $20,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Objective(s): The project is an ongoing partnership with the Washington State University (WSU) Museum of Anthropology (MoA) and is essential to ensuring Bureau of Land Management (BLM) museum collections currently held in trust by the Museum are safely housed, professionally curated, and available…

OR/WA Flora of the Pacific Northwest

Project ID: L20AC00236 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $49,224 Total Funding: $49,224 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project will create a publicly accessible website for the Flora of the Pacific Northwest, 2nd edition (Flora 2nd edition, hereafter) that will include the most current taxonomy and range of plant species in Washington and northern Oregon. This project assists the BLM…

OR/WA Fungal Diversity in the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (SCNM)

Project ID: L20AC00326 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $10,000 Total Funding: $10,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Objective(s): Fungal diversity contributes in many ways to supporting working landscapes from recycling nutrients to providing food for many animal species, yet much remains unknown regarding what fungi are providing what services. The Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (CSNM) is an ideal location to begin…

OR/WA Grazing Season of Use Effects on Sagebrush-obligate Avian Habitat

Project ID: L19AC00084 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $48,094 Total Funding: $92,094 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Objective(s): There is limited research on the direct and indirect effects of livestock grazing regimes on sagebrush obligate birds in general, and more specifically in eastern Oregon. This research would improve BLM’s understanding of proper grazing management strategies that contribute to maintaining viable…

OR/WA Oregon Flora – Plant Diversity

Project ID: L20AC00280 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $30,000 Total Funding: $30,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Objective(s): This project would result in the completion of the last volume of the three-volume Flora of Oregon and further development of a website for use by BLM and the public alike. This project would help the BLM meet the strategic goal of…

OR/WA Western Lily Studies, Coos Bay

Project ID: L20AC00025 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $18,000 Total Funding: $36,430 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Monitoring and augmentation of a reintroduced and natural population of the federally endangered western lily, the only populations on federal lands. This project would utilize science to identify best practices to manage land and water resources and adapt to changes in the environment. In…

July 15, 2023

ORBIC Western Snowy Plover Monitoring and Nest Protection

Project ID: L15AC00045 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $77,500 Total Funding: $336,500 [project-data-part-2]

August 30, 2021

Oregon Biodiversity Information Coordination: Relating landscape attributes to changes in lek attendance at multiple scales in Oregon

Project ID: L11AC20302 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $20,000 Total Funding: $318,804 [project-data-part-2]

Oregon Flora Project

Project ID: L13AC00234 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $49,999 Total Funding: $394,999 [project-data-part-2]

Oregon Water Law Web Site

Project ID: HAA087403 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $40,000 Total Funding: $40,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The project develops materials to update BLM’s State Water Law web site including emerging policy issues relating to adjudications, groundwater, water for energy development, livestock watering, public reserve water rights, and wilderness water rights. The project will update summaries for 17 western states…

Oregon’s Natural and Working Lands

Project ID: NR220436XXXXC006 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $ Total Funding: $161,227 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: 

January 18, 2024

Organization of Marial Archaeological Site Artifact Collection

Project ID: HAA077101 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $0 Total Funding: $5,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: (Re-numbered by BLM to L08AC13032.)

August 30, 2021

Orthorectification and Automation of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Landcover Mapping

Project ID: J8W07070002 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $94,270 Total Funding: $94,270 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project will rebuild the existing GIS dataset developed for Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Landcover Mapping Project to conform to 1:63,360 NMAS. This work will require processing to orthorectify scanned CIR photography and linework to register with existing BW orthoimagery. The…

Orthorectification and Automation of KEFJ Landcover Mapping

Project ID: J8W07070018 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $75,000 Total Funding: $75,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project will build a landcover mapping geographic information system (GIS) dataset from manually interpreted color infrared photography delineated under a separate agreement for Kenai Fjords National Park. Results will conform to a minimum national mapping accuracy standard of 1:63,360. This work will…

Orthorectification of historic imagery for Nabesna Area, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve

Project ID: J8W07080010 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $14,018 Total Funding: $14,018 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project includes orthorectification and mosaicing of mid-1980’s Aerial High Altitude Program Color Infrared photos in the Nabesna, Alaska drainage area that is covered by existing IKONOS 2004 ortho and DEM products. Deliverables: Orthorectification of Historic Imagery for the Nabesna Area of Wrangell‐…

Orthorectification of Historic Imagery for the Southwest Alaska Network

Project ID: J8W07110002 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $99,787 Total Funding: $177,272 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project is a collaborative effort between the Southwest Alaska Network (SWAN) of the National Park Service (NPS) and Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota (SMUMN) to build a geographic information system dataset from historic black and white, and color infrared photography acquired for…

Orthorectification of historic imagery for the Southwest Alaska Network

Project ID: J8W07080002 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $37,171 Total Funding: $46,330 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project will build a geographic information system dataset from historic black and white and color infrared photography acquired for parks of the Southwest Alaska Network. This Task Agreement will support orthorectification of scanned aerial photos to IKONOS base imagery for Kenai Fjords…

ORWA CESU Conservation Assessment Guide for Sensitive Fungi

Project ID: L19AC00077 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $37,672 Total Funding: $37,672 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Objective(s): This project will help identify habitat restoration opportunities for rare fungi species, help facilitate conservation of these species, and provide the public with additional information including additional viewing opportunities. Federal Award Performance Goals A Conservation Assessment for 30 SLM-designated sensitive fungi would…

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