Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Project Database

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BLM OR/WA, Inventory of Vernal Pool Suitable Habitat, Klamath Falls Resource Area

Project ID: L17AC00001 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $10,238 Total Funding: $10,238 [project-data-part-2]

August 30, 2021

BLM ORWA Recovery Efforts for Western Lily

Project ID: L18AC00112 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $18,000 Total Funding: $36,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Objective(s) The objectives of this project are three fold: to 1) continue monitoring a reintroduction project initiated in 1996, begun when there were no known populations on federal land, 2) continue monitoring demographically (since 2008) a small, naturally occurring population first found on…

Blue Mountain Restoration Rural Stewardship Network Analysis and Mapping

Project ID: 13JV11261985084 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $49,829 Total Funding: $84,829 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Blue Mountain Restoration Rurarl Stewardship Newtork Analysis (Blues-RSNA), developed by a team of Forest Service and university reserachers, to develop an understanding of how groups interact with natural landscape.

Botanical Surveys in Parks of the North Coast and Cascades Network

Project ID: J8W07060008 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $14,216 Total Funding: $32,058 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Mount Rainier and North Cascades national parks will collaborate with the University of Washington to survey and collect plants in selected areas of the parks. Specimens will be stored at NPS and UW Burke collections, and available for study by researchers at other…

Breach III: Evaluating and Predicting Restoration Thresholds in Evolving Freshwater Tidal Marshes, Tasks 9, 10, 11.

Project ID: F09AC00422 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $221,990 Total Funding: $221,990 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Task 9: Macroinvertebrate response. Task 10: Nekton response. Task 11: Food web sources and pathways.

Breach III: Evaluating and Predicting Restoration Thresholds in Evolving Freshwater Tidal Marshes. Taska 1, 4-9, 12, 14.

Project ID: F09AC00410 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $1,040,512 Total Funding: $1,049,598 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Task 1: Project management and adminstrations. Task 4: Informing flood and erosion hazard management decisions. Task 5: Channel/Tidal flat morphology and wave climate. Task 6: Landscape structure and change. Task 7: Elevation change. Task 8: Plant colonization dynamics. Task 9: Macroinvertebrate response. Task…

Building an Integrated Data Harvester and Analysis Software for the Methow Basin with Future Linkages to Columbia River Basin Data Management Project

Project ID: R15AC00005 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $118,340 Total Funding: $118,340 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Through use of financial assistance, a mechanism-based model of aquatic productivity to structure data will be created and used to improve data access directly related to stream productivity to maximize survival and fitness for Endangered Species Act- listed species located in the Columbia…

Building an Integrated Data Harvester and Analysis Software for the Methow Basin

Project ID: R11AC17061 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $139,918 Total Funding: $412,192 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: In May 2010 the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS/NOAA) issued a Supplemental Biological Opinion (BiOp) to the 2008 NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinion (2008 FCRPS BiOp) on the operation of the dams that make up the Federal Columbia River Power System.1 The BiOp considered…

Building bridges, connecting landscapes internship program

Project ID: P23AC01479 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $26,000 Total Funding: $26,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: 

January 18, 2024

Building Tribal Capacity for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

Project ID: F16AC01190 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $100,000 Total Funding: $100,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project will help address limited capacity for vulnerability assessment for tribes within the geographies of the Northwest Climate Science Center and Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Specifically, this project will make the vulnerability assessment process more accessible to tribal staff; address the…

August 30, 2021

Burbot Study

Project ID: F15AC00495 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $45,000 Total Funding: $95,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Funds under this award are to be used to evaluate the effects of altered thermal profiles on the embryo and early life stage of Burbot in the context of current and historical Kootenai River flow regimes. The Service Will: • Assist with all…

Camas Propagation Research for Restoration of Weippe Prairie, Nez Perce National Historical Park

Project ID: P16AC01609 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $65,391 Total Funding: $82,555 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The purpose of this project is to research and develop a planting protocol along with a determination of key environmental site factors to be used as a tool to guide future camas restoration efforts at the Weippe Prairie. This project will provide insights…

Can Microsite Conditions Affect Native Prairie Restoration?

Project ID: J8W07060009 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $25,653 Total Funding: $25,653 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Research will be conducted in the prairies of San Juan Island National Historical Park and Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve to document fundamental soil and microclimate properties such as soil moisture, temperature, and nutrient availability and to contrast those with areas with future…

Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument Grassland Community Assessment, Medford District

Project ID: L11AC20152 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $10,000 Total Funding: $51,382 [project-data-part-2]

Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument Inventory and Monitoring, Medford District

Project ID: L11AC20169 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $11,000 Total Funding: $11,000 [project-data-part-2]

CATE Monitoring Strategy 2018

Project ID: F17AC00813 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $54,273 Total Funding: $70,815 [project-data-part-2]

CAVE Cultural Landscapes Inventory Update for Rattlesnake Springs

Project ID: P20AC00351 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $112,415 Total Funding: $112,415 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The CLI for Rattlesnake Springs will inventory and analyze a physically defined cultural landscape determined through a previous draft CLI and the National Register of Historic Places nomination. The CLI will study the intersection of natural systems and features with historic buildings and…

Cave Ice Data Recovery and Analysis at Lava Beds National Monument

Project ID: P20AC00742 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $10,000 Total Funding: $10,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Investigators from OSU and NPS staff will collaborate to accomplish the following specific objectives. 1. Collect ice cores and organic material found melting out of the ice column from five previously unsurveyed LABE caves. 2. Describe physical appearance of ice cores and document…

CCS Cultural Rimrock Draw Rockshelter

Project ID: L16AC00203 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $35,000 Total Funding: $55,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: To continue with archaeological studies at the Rimrock Draw Rockshelter which may ultimately lead to re-evaluation of the chronology and theories about first Americans in the Great Basin and on the continent, and their interaction with other, later arriving pre-historic people. Further, the…

CCS-CESU Foskett Speckled Dace Investigation

Project ID: L12AC20623 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $20,000 Total Funding: $20,000 [project-data-part-2]

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