Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

A Study of Site Protection Options for Off-Reservation Resources along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail

Project ID: J8W07080022

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Portland State University

Fiscal Year: 2008

Initial Funding: $22,000

Total Funding: $64,700

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail

Principal Investigator: Deur, Doug

Agreement Technical Representative: Basch, Richard

Abstract: The National Park Service (NPS) and Portland State University (PSU) will collaborate in the development of a project entitled ‘A Study of Site Protection Options for Off-Reservation Resources along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail (LECL).’ The NPS recognizes that many of the archaeological resources that contribute to the story and the significance of ECL lands and resources are located on lands that are in neither Indian nor federal ownership. In recent years, municipalities and other local governments along the route of LECL have approached the NPS and PSU to seek guidance in protecting such resources. Certain local governments have implemented ordinanaces, mapping and GIS programs, and site survey protocols for archaeological protection; however, these tools have not been systematically reviewed or disseminated to provide a “template” for local governments seeking to implement their own site protection programs. Focusing on the community of Seasise, Oregon, near the western terminus of LECL, the proposed project will bring together examples of site protection measures from around the United States, produce a functional template for local government site protection, and help to implement these site protection measures in a manner that might be replicated in other communities along the length of LECL. This project is planned in five phases. The current task agreement encompasses only Phases 1 work and additional phases are contingent on availability of funding and suitable progress on initial work.