Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Administrative Support for the Klamath Network-Southern Oregon University Inventory, Monitoring, and Research Partnership

Project ID: P13AC00714

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Southern Oregon University

Fiscal Year: 2013

Initial Funding: $42,828

Total Funding: $166,590

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Klamath Network Inventory & Monitoring

Principal Investigator: Schroeder, Peter

Agreement Technical Representative: Sarr, Daniel

Abstract: The Klamath Network (KLMN) of the National Park Service (NPS) has an on-going partnership with Southern Oregon University (SOU) to help meet the goals and objectives of the respective programs. Through this partnership, the Klamath Network has obtained much-needed administrative support while the students and faculty of SOU have opportunities to become involved with NPS inventory, monitoring, and research projects. So far, the partnership has helped to foster nearly two dozen student projects and internships resulting in a number of websites, technical reports, interpretive guides, and theses. Over the next five years, KLMN would like to emphasize yearly internships and research projects that will help address recognized needs in the network parks as well as student learning goals. This is a collaborative project between SOU and NPS to achieve several objectives: to provide a setting where KLMN NPS staff can efficiently accomplish their work goals; to select specific projects for which NPS and SOU students and faculty can work collaboratively to meet the needs of the KLMN parks and create learning opportunities for students; and to conceive projects where the KLMN parks can work with NPS Inventory and Monitoring staff to leverage the expertise of SOU students and faculty for specific inventory, monitoring, and research objectives. This Task Agreement will be conducted in a phased approach; each year, KLMN will work with SOU to review what has been accomplished in the previous year and develop work and study plans for completing during the current year. Project products include annual reports summarizing the key accomplishments and research highlights for each year, and a final report.
