Administrative Support for the Upper Columbia Basin Network Inventory and Monitoring Program
Project ID: P17AC01712
Federal Agency: National Park Service
Partner Institution: University of Idaho
Fiscal Year: 2017
Initial Funding: $20,451
Total Funding: $71,193
Project Type: Technical Assistance
Project Disciplines: Biological
National Park: Upper Columbia Network Inventory & Monitoring
Principal Investigator: Aycrigg, Jocelyn
Principal Investigator: Wright, Gerry
Agreement Technical Representative: Dicus, Gordon
Abstract: A. Background
NPS and UI are both participants in the Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, part of a nationwide network of similar units organized around biogeographical regions for the purpose of providing high-quality scientific research, technical assistance, and education through the linking of participating agencies and university partners. NPS and UI desire to continue pursuing a working partnership involving research, technical assistance, and education associated with the Upper Columbia Basin Network (UCBN). To help sustain this partnership, NPS will maintain a satellite office in Moscow, Idaho, and will engage with UI students and faculty in collaborative endeavors.
Over the past 14 years, UI has provided administrative support for the UCBN which included office space, information technology support, library services, and project staff including principal investigators and students. The ability to have a NPS office located centrally to the nine UCBN park units has facilitated efficient UCBN-UI partnership efforts in these units. These efforts include providing UI students with opportunities to learn about the NPS and public natural resources, and working collaboratively with NPS to gain technical skills needed to be competitive in the natural resource and educational job markets. The UCBN park units include: Big Hole National Battlefield, City of Rocks National Reserve, Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve, Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, Minidoka Internment National Monument, Nez Perce National Historical Park, and Whitman Mission National Historic Site.
This is a collaborative project between UI and NPS to implement the objectives described below to provide support for the UCBN program. Taking a phased approach, UCBN staff will meet each year with the UI Principal Investigator to review what has been accomplished over the previous year, and examine and set forth plans to collaborate in the upcoming year. Based on acceptable accomplishment and availability of future funding, continuation of this partnership and this agreement may be modified on an annual basis. Expected products include annual reports summarizing NPS/UI collaborative activities, including hours of employment for university students and staff, volunteer services provided by students, and the key accomplishments and research highlights for each year.
B. Objectives
Investigators from UI and NPS staff will collaborate to accomplish the following specific objectives:
1. Select specific projects for which NPS and UI students and faculty can work collaboratively to implement or continue inventory and monitoring projects with the UCBN parks and create learning opportunities for students.
2. Collaboratively conceive projects as mechanisms whereby UCBN park staff can work with NPS Inventory and Monitoring staff to leverage the expertise of UI students and faculty for specific inventory, monitoring, and research objectives.
3. As an example, UI and UCBN will work collaboratively to develop and implement a mentoring program where students in the College of Natural Resources’ Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences engage with NPS staff to learn about long-term monitoring projects within NPS sites, work on GIS and data management aspects of these projects, and thereby enhance their skill sets and exposure to real-world natural resource research projects.
4. Provide a setting where NPS staff can efficiently accomplish their work goals, including suitable office space, computing and communication facilities, and access to research, communication, and media facilities.
C. Public Purpose
This collaboration between the NPS and UI will facilitate opportunities for students and faculty that will provide valuable hands-on educational experience for entry level professionals, and yield place-based science and interpretive products for consumption by both the public and academic community.
Journal articles published as a result of student or faculty projects from this effort can be used by the public and the scientific community to increase understanding and conservation of UCBN park ecosystems and resources. This project will also develop science communication products demonstrating the relevance of inventory and monitoring data concerning the resources of NPS.