Administrative Support of the Upper Columbia Basin Network Inventory and Monitoring Program Office
Project ID: J8W07080021
Federal Agency: National Park Service
Partner Institution: University of Idaho
Fiscal Year: 2008
Initial Funding: $26,000
Total Funding: $139,000
Project Type: Technical Assistance
Project Disciplines: Biological
National Park: Upper Columbia Network Inventory & Monitoring
Principal Investigator: Wright, Gerry
Agreement Technical Representative: Garrett, Lisa
Abstract: This Task Agreement defines a specific affiliation between the National Park Service and the University of Idaho for administrative and technical support in directing a cooperative program of research, inventory, and monitoring in the parks that constitute the Upper Columbia Basin Network (UCBN). Over the past five years the UCBN has developed a partnership with the University of Idaho to help each of us meet the goals and objectives of our programs. Through this partnership, the UCBN has obtained much needed administrative support while the University of Idaho has had the opportunity to get their students involved with the National Park Service. Over the next five years, the Network is planning on taking a phase approach to this agreement. Each year, the UCBN will work with the Principle Investigator to review what has been accomplished and to set goals for the following years. Based on acceptable accomplishment of work and availability of funding, future phases of this work will be conducted on an annual basis.