Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Advancing novel approaches for visitor monitoring and management on federal public lands

Project ID: G23AC00140

Federal Agency: U.S. Geological Survey

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2023

Initial Funding: $190,000

Total Funding: $190,000

Project Type: Research

Principal Investigator: Wood, Spencer

Agreement Technical Representative: Wilkins, Emily


The goal of this research project is to test and refine approaches for monitoring recreation on federal lands. 

Specific objectives of the project include: 

  1. Co-host an interagency workshop to discuss the current state of knowledge and best practices for using novel approaches for visitor monitoring on federal public lands. Identify visitor monitoring strategies, techniques, and data sources that have not been widely adopted by federal land management agencies. 
  2. Evaluate how well new monitoring techniques and data could improve existing techniques by examining the congruence between on-the-ground data such as field counts and surveys with novel data sources such as mobile phone location data user generated social media content at selected study sites. 
  3. Based on the findings, create recommendations to guide the development and uptake of novel visitor monitoring approaches and data by land management agencies. 
  4. Provide results and accompanying management recommendations in easily accessible formats such as written reports, conference presentations, webinars, and journal articles.