Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Advancing the Public Connections of the North Coast and Cascades Research Learning Center

Project ID: P19AC01113

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2019

Initial Funding: $88,298

Total Funding: $148,098

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Interdisciplinary

National Park: North Coast and Cascades Network Inventory & Monitoring

Principal Investigator: Lawler, Joshua

Agreement Technical Representative: Dolan, Joe

Abstract: This project will advance the public connections and understanding of the NCCN Research Learning Center, the research needs of the NCCN parks, and the available research data and results from science conducted in these parks. Focus groups of academic subject matter experts
will be used to determine the state of the science and most pressing needs to improve management of NCCN park resources. A report on the focus groups and a report that summarizes the available resource information by NCCN park will be publicly available on the NCCN web
site. In addition, tools and products to further communicate and increase collaboration between parks and the academic community to address high-priority science needs will also be identified.
The overall objective of this project is to inspire future science and research to inform and improve the management of park resources. More specifically, the project goals are to:
1. Identify, prioritize, and communicate NCCN park research needs to the academic community and to the public.
2. Make available research data and results from science conducted in the parks.
3. Translate research and scholarly results for a public audience through engaging and motivating communication innovations.
This project will be conducted in multiple phases. This agreement initially funds Phase 1 work. Subject to the availability of funding and satisfactory progress of work during these initial project phases, additional phases are anticipated as future modifications to this
agreement. Phase 1 objectives are to begin the process of gathering, synthesizing, and prioritizing existing and potential future collaborative efforts between the NCCN and researchers from the scientific community, and to scope out potential communication approaches and products.
Phase 1 objectives are outlined below. Phase 2 will be focused on developing and disseminating a variety of communication tools. Phase 3 will be focused on developing indepth working relationships among NPS and researchers to foster longer-term collaborations
and institutional partnerships.