Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Architectural Analysis of Historic American Camp Residences

Project ID: J9W88040024

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Oregon

Fiscal Year: 2004

Initial Funding: $34,310

Total Funding: $34,310

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Cultural

National Park: San Juan Island National Historic Park

Principal Investigator: Heath, Kingston

Agreement Technical Representative: Huffman, Laurin

Abstract: Investigation of the Duplex Officers’ Quarters and Laundress’ Quarters at American Camp to assist the National Park Service in maintaining, restoring, and interpreting this historic military residence. The investigators will perform non-destructive and other investigation of the existing structure. The investigators will study and analyze the existing historic fabric along with the photographic, written, and drawing records of this facility and similar U.S. Army constructed officers’ quarters from the American pre-Civil War era, synthesizing all of this data into a coherent picture of the probable original layout, appearance, and space utilization in the building.