Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

BLM OR/WA CESU Potential Fossil Yield Classification and Curation

Project ID: L16AC00285

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: University of Oregon

Fiscal Year: 2016

Initial Funding: $45,000

Total Funding: $45,000

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Interdisciplinary

Principal Investigator: Davis, Edward

Agreement Technical Representative: Cannon, William

Abstract: Objective(s):
• Engage in proactive studies of BLM Oregon paleontological resources, including inventory, excavation, and studies of existing collections in the CFC.
• Promote public engagement, learning opportunities, and paleontological ethics through outreach programs and events hosted by the UO MNCH.
• Teach early career scientists proper use of sites through field projects and museum curation activities.
• Document existing BLM Oregon paleontological resource collections at the CFC through accessioning, cataloging, and inventorying those collections.
• Preserve existing BLM Oregon paleontological resource collections at the CFC through such activities as archival housing, stabilization, and/or conservation.