Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

BLM OR-WA Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU) Panther Creek Weather Modeling

Project ID: L14AC00134

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2014

Initial Funding: $200,000

Total Funding: $235,000

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Biological

Principal Investigator: Maguire, Doug

Agreement Technical Representative: McFadden, George

Abstract: The objective is to research and account for the effect of weather on tree growth and carbon sequestration in the coast range in western Oregon. The information will be used to develop physiological process models of tree growth.
The primary goal of this cooperative agreement is to estimate net primary production and carbon dynamics for for intensively managed stands of Douglas-fir. Specific objectives include:
(1) Monitor seasonal trends in soil water, soil temperature, precipitation and relative humidity on the Giustina fertilization trials;
(2) Develop components of a mechanistic growth model for intensively-managed Douglas-fir stands based on data from the Giustina fertilization trials and the Panther Creek Cooperative Water Research Project; and
(3) Develop components of a model for estimating net primary production of Douglas-fir stands managed under a range of stand structures and growing on a range of site types.
(4) Assemble components of a hybrid model for simulating net primary production of Douglas-fir stands and validate mechanisms driving tree growth responses to silvicultural treatments, including soil water availability, nutrient availability, light interception, and effects of ambient temperature on ecophysiological processes.