Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

BLM OR/WA PNW CESU Cooperative Research Oregon State University Cooperative Science

Project ID: L16AC00348

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2016

Initial Funding: $200,000

Total Funding: $618,269

Principal Investigator: Davis, Anthony

Agreement Technical Representative: McFadden, George

Abstract: OSU NWTIC Research; CIPS Research; VMRC Research; HSC Research; Swiss Needle cast Coop Research; PNW Tree Improvement Research Coop. These applied science cooperatives at Oregon State University provide research products critical for the BLM forestry program in western Oregon. For example, one of the cooperatives develops and maintains the forest growth model that BLM uses for long-term planning (Resource Management Plans), determining timber volume targets (Allowable Sale Quantity values), and project-level analyses (for example, planning timber sales). These important tools provide key support for BLM’s work to sustainably use natural resources on public lands and create or maintain thousands of jobs in the forest-products industry. This a long-standing partnership with Oregon State University, as well as 5 public agencies and 15 private companies.
Expected Outcomes: Access to tools that help BLM develop effective silviculture regimes and plan timber sales that provide a sustainable supply of timber to local economies, create and maintain jobs, and generate revenue for federal and local governments.