Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

BLM ORWA Recovery Efforts for Western Lily

Project ID: L18AC00112

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: Portland State University

Fiscal Year: 2018

Initial Funding: $18,000

Total Funding: $36,000

Principal Investigator: Freitag, Kris

Agreement Technical Representative: Rodenkirk, Tim

Abstract: Objective(s)
The objectives of this project are three fold: to 1) continue monitoring a reintroduction project initiated in 1996, begun when there were no known populations on federal land, 2) continue monitoring demographically (since 2008) a small, naturally occurring population first found on federal land after the initial reintroduction was outplanted, and 3) augment the existing, small naturally occurring population with genetically appropriate propagules, and monitor their subsequent fates. All three of these objectives are called for in the federal recovery plan for this species. Successfully reestablishment of a population and management and augmentation of the existing natural population is an important step in helping this species eventually become down listed.
Federal Award Performance Goals
a) Field demographic surveys- May 2019 to October 2019.
b) End of year reports for each population- due by March 31, 2020.
c) Field demographic surveys- May 2020 to October 2020.
d) End of year reports for each population- due by March 31, 2021.
a) Five field surveys completed between May and October, 2019.
b) Completed report on both reintroduction and natural western lily due on or before March 31, 2020.
c) Five field surveys completed between May and October, 2020.
d) Completed report on both reintroduction and natural western lily due on or before March 31, 2020.