Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

CAVE Cultural Landscapes Inventory Update for Rattlesnake Springs

Project ID: P20AC00351

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Oregon

Fiscal Year: 2020

Initial Funding: $112,415

Total Funding: $112,415

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Cultural

Principal Investigator: Melnick, Robert

Agreement Technical Representative: Gearty, Erin

Abstract: The CLI for Rattlesnake Springs will inventory and analyze a physically defined cultural landscape determined through a previous draft CLI and the National Register of Historic Places nomination. The CLI will study the intersection of natural systems and features with historic buildings and archaeological sites and provide specific information on stabilization strategies. This inventory and associated recommendations will be summarized in overall landscape character documentation, analysis and preservation/conservation guidance. The project will address deferred maintenance on the site through a conditions assessment and recommendations for historic buildings, structures, hazard trees (many of the mature cottonwoods are in poor condition and have not been maintained), and fire threats. This information will be analyzed in contrast with birding habitat to guide maintenance work that will preserve both the historic integrity of the site and maintain visitor recreational use.