Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Chaco Frontier Communities Project

Project ID: L16AC00138

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: Washington State University

Fiscal Year: 2016

Initial Funding: $30,000

Total Funding: $30,000

Principal Investigator: Duff, Andrew

Abstract: NM Office. . Objective(s): The proposed work would build on data gathered to date to include the BLM lands surrounding Goessling Ranch Pueblo. There has been very little previous work in that area. The recipient will conduct field work that is a continuation of previous efforts. This phase of the project will emphasize field survey/inventory, however, some excavation units may be proposed if warranted by data collected and necessary for meeting research objectives. Assemblages from inventory and select test excavations, when combined with
previous inventory and excavation data from the Chaco Frontier Communities Project, would provide a robust and more comprehensive understanding of settlement patterns, regional demography, and assemblage variation over time should result.
Public Benefit(s): The public benefits associated with this project are numerous, as demonstrated through past performance. The project provides scientific data important for understanding past settlement, cultural development and interaction, and land use for the region. It also provides the opportunity for the next generation of archaeologists to gain field and data synthesis experience as well as material for theses and dissertations. In addition, the project provides information for public education and outreach efforts.