Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit Recovery

Project ID: F19AC00267

Federal Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Partner Institution: University of Idaho

Fiscal Year: 2019

Initial Funding: $66,270

Total Funding: $66,270

Abstract: Funds under this award are to be used to continue ongoing recovery efforts for the endangered Columbia
Basin Pygmy Rabbit. More specifically the work will achieve the following objectives:
• Assisting with monitoring and surveys to document population establishment by having
University of Idaho undergraduate and graduate students participate in winter surveys
• Evaluating habitat differences between CRP and Sagebrush flat sites occupied and unoccupied by pygmy rabbits
• Analyzing tissue and fecal samples for genetic monitoring to determine: a) genetic health and presence of Columbia Basin genes within semi-wild breeding and free-ranging populations and b) the identity and origin (enclosures or wild-born) of free-ranging pygmy rabbits.

The Service Will:
• Participate with the Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit Science Advisory Group.
• Participate and collaborate jointly with the recipient in carrying out the scope of work to ensure the information produced by recipient is informing the needs of the service in recovering Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit.
• Provide Technical Assistance related to the project.
• Assist with coordination efforts with other State, Federal, and NGO partners as needed.on the part of the Service exist unless and until the ervice obligates funds and notifies the Recipient in writing that funds are available for the purposes ofthi award.