Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Communicating Marine Science to Alaskan Communities through Discovery Labs

Project ID: P12AC15051

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Fiscal Year: 2012

Initial Funding: $23,970

Total Funding: $70,622

Project Type: Education

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Kenai Fjords National Park

Principal Investigator: Ryan, Jessica

Abstract: This is a collaborative project between the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and the National Park Service (NPS) to effectively communicate current marine science and research issues to three Alaska Native communities that have both current and ancestral ties to the land that now comprises Kenai Fjords National Park (KEFJ). These communications will take the form of educational programs, called “Discovery Labs,” and they will be developed jointly by ADF&G staff based at the Kachemak Bay Research Reserve and NPS staff. The educational programs will be delivered by ADF&G to the communities of Seldovia, Port Graham, and Nanwalek. ADF&G staff are located near these villages and have developed a long-term relationship with the village residents by taking a number of different educational programs to the villages. They are viewed as a credible and valuable education provider by village residents and schools. ADF&G will take the lead in developing the Discovery Labs. They will also be responsible for coordinating all of the logistics in transporting and delivering the Discovery Labs to the three remote communities. KEFJ staff will be involved in the development of the educational programs by participating in a series of meetings to determine the appropriate topics, content, and educational techniques and activities employed in the Discovery Labs. They will also provide information and data on recent KEFJ research projects and ensure that this is integrated into the Discovery Labs. KEFJ staff may also accompany ADF&G staff on one or more of the outreach trips to the villages to deliver the Discovery Labs. This project will benefit the public by providing compelling, up-to-date information on current science and research to underserved communities. Many members of these communities depend heavily on local natural resources for subsistence and have direct ties to the resources and lands where park research takes place. Fostering a stewardship ethic in these communities will help to protect these lands for future generations.
