Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Comparison of Non-invasive Survey Methodologies for the Burrow-nesting Seabirds

Project ID: F16AC00755

Federal Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2016

Initial Funding: $23,441

Total Funding: $23,441

Principal Investigator: Suryan, Robert

Agreement Technical Representative: Swift, Roberta

Abstract: Funds under this award are to be used to create a comparison of non-invasive survey methodologies for burro-nesting seabirds at the Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex.

The Service Will:
• Provide data previously collected by refuge staff and partners for the comparison
• Provide metadata other information about previously collected data;
• Co-author, review and approve reports and publications.

The Recipient Will:
• Summarize and compare data collected using non-invasive survey methods in order to inform development of sustainable and practical survey protocols.
• Produce a final report comparing data collected at two sites; (Goat Island, Saddle Rock) within Oregon Coast NWRC (2127 SE Marine Science Drive, Newpoti, OR 97365) during two different years, using multiple non-invasive survey methodologies: manual burrow checks, acoustic recorders, remote cameras, and radar. The repott will provide refuge staff with information needed to adjust results from each technique and relate them to each other. The data summary and methods comparisons would be used to prepare a final report that would then be submitted for publication to a peer reviewed scientific journal.