Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Completing Vegetation Mapping Products of Crater Lake National Park and Updating Vegetation Maps of Oregon Caves National Monument

Project ID: P16AC00848

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Southern Oregon University

Fiscal Year: 2016

Initial Funding: $155,759

Total Funding: $374,679

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Crater Lake National Park

Principal Investigator: Jones, Greg

Agreement Technical Representative: Chung-MacCoubrey, Alice

Abstract: For the current project, SOU and KLMN will continue to collaborate to complete vegetation mapping at CRLA. A second objective is to update the ORCA vegetation map. After completion of the ORCA vegetation map in 2014, minor, but notable disparities were identified between the park boundaries in the ORCA vegetation map and the revised ORCA boundary that includes a new acquired area. Thus, this project will also update ORCA vegetation map products to the correct park boundary.

B. Objectives

Investigators from SOU and NPS staff will collaborate to accomplish the following specific objectives.

1. Complete the CRLA vegetation mapping project and submit final products to NPS
a. Complete vegetation map
b. Complete descriptions of vegetation associations and map units
c. Complete accuracy assessment, including collection of remaining field data as needed
d. Complete draft and final report for CRLA vegetation inventory and mapping project, including peer review and revision
e. Complete database and other associated deliverables
2. Update ORCA vegetation map products to the correct park boundary