Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Condition Assessment of Bear Management and Indicators at Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks

Project ID: P18AC01320

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2018

Initial Funding: $48,791

Total Funding: $48,791

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park

Principal Investigator: Matthews, Sean

Agreement Technical Representative: Eldredge, Ward

Abstract: This project will conduct a condition assessment on SEKI bear management indicators to investigate changes over time and to examine both expected and previously unknown patterns and correlations. Management questions of interest for this study include: “Has bear management been effective within SEKI? When and why have actions been effective? Are the right data being collected?” Addressing the BIMs data accessibility issue and conducting this condition assessment and analysis will serve as a key input to a future revision of the SEKI Bear Management Plan, and will generate a better understanding of factors influencing human-bear interaction.