Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Coordination of Protocol Reviews for Long-Term Monitoring in the Pacific West Region of the National Park Service

Project ID: P12AC10447

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2012

Initial Funding: $35,379

Total Funding: $67,124

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Pacific West Region I-M multi networks

Principal Investigator: Bakker, Jonathan

Agreement Technical Representative: Latham, Penelope

Abstract: The Pacific West Region (PWR) of the National Park Service seeks expert assistance from Professor Jon Bakker at the University of Washington to function as the Protocol Review Coordinator (PRC) and accomplish the coordination, tracking, oversight, and synthesis of blind peer reviews for protocols associated with PWR Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) network monitoring plans over a period of several years. The Protocol Review Coordinator will contact and negotiate with academic reviewers, arrange for appropriate payments to be made for reviews, and synthesize review comments. The PRC in collaboration with the PWR I&M Program Manager (RPM) will make final decisions as to the adequacy of the submitted protocols according to their scientific merit and ability to meet management needs. Ensuring that scientifically credible long-term monitoring protocols are used on public lands is a core service from which the public benefits by gaining an understanding of the status of natural resources at any given time, and the long-term dynamics of species and communities as they vary with biological, climate, and human stressors over time.
