Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Cultural Resource Management Student Experience Program

Project ID: F15AC00371

Federal Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Partner Institution: Portland State University

Fiscal Year: 2015

Initial Funding: $23,975

Total Funding: $96,375

Principal Investigator: Butler, Virginia

Agreement Technical Representative: Raymond, Anan

Abstract: Funds under this award are to be used to provide Portland State University student assistants with practical experience in cultural resource management and benefit the public by meeting legislatively mandated historic preservation responsibilities.

The Service Will:
• Provide student(s) with an FWS work space and associated office, tool, and logistical support.
• Train and supervise student(s) in FWS cultural resource management procedures and report preparation.
• Assign student(s) projects commensurate with experience, ability, and increasing capability.

The Recipient Will:
• Provide FWS with student(s) trained in American archaeological method, theory, and practice.
• Provide library, archival and associated background resources that apply to the field and research projects assigned by FWS.
• Provide academic supervision of student(s) and review of their final products.