Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Develop Models of Visitor Use and Associated Impacts for the Paradise Developed Area and Adjacent Wilderness Zones in Mount Rainier National Park

Project ID: UW-01-01

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2001

Initial Funding: $46,000

Total Funding: $85,970

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Social

National Park: Mount Rainier National Park

Principal Investigator: Bradley, Gordon

Agreement Technical Representative: Samora, Barbara

Abstract: To develop specified models describing the relationships between visitor use and specific indicators of social and biological resource quality in the Paradise area. These models will contribute to the success of the Mount Rainier general management planning process by: a) integrating existing biological and social information about the area; b) helping to empirically define the managerial challenges at Paradise; and c) providing a means of exploring the relationships between biological impacts, social impacts, visitor density, and management actions. All of these contributions are vital to the success of the VERP planning process, or to the success of any other rational planning process. (Later renumbered J9088020001.)