Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Developing a Restoration Strategy for the Eradication of Non-Native Fish from Three Mountain Lakes in North Cascades National Park Complex

Project ID: J8W07100022

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Western Washington University

Fiscal Year: 2010

Initial Funding: $42,744

Total Funding: $42,744

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: North Cascades National Park

Principal Investigator: Bodensteiner, Leo

Agreement Technical Representative: Rochefort, Regina

Abstract: This project is a collaborative effort to develop science-based restoration strategies and treatment plans to eradicate non-native fish from three mountain lakes in the North Cascades National Park Complex (NOCA). Self-sustaining populations of non-native trout have been shown to have significant negative effects on the native aquatic organisms in NOCA’s mountain lakes. Non-native trout also disperse downstream from these lakes, and compete and hybridize with several rare and Federally Threatened trout species. NOCA objectives for the restoration of these lakes have been documented in the “NOCA Mountain Lakes Fishery Management Plan/EIS”. One of the primary objectives includes the eradication of self sustaining populations of non-native fish using gill nets and the piscicide antimycin. The National Park Service (NPS) has established requirements for use of antimycin in restoration on lakes and streams. These requirements include the development of preliminary and final chemical treatment plans. This project will provide the detailed material necessary for characterizing the chemical, physical, biological, and logistical information required for developing the pre-treatment and final project plans for eradicating non-native fish in NOCA mountain lakes. NPS staff will work with Western Washington University (WWU) staff in the field collection of these needed data. WWU staff will be responsible for data entry and analysis, and will produce a final report in collaboration with NPS. The project will provide valuable educational experience to WWU students in fisheries science, and in the ecology and management of mountain lakes.
