Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Development and Validation of Riverine Water Quality Models

Project ID: W912HZ-18-2-0005

Federal Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Partner Institution: Portland State University

Fiscal Year: 2018

Initial Funding: $158,835

Total Funding: $231,543

Principal Investigator: Monsere, Christopher

Abstract: Portland State University will support the work sponsored by the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) to provide development and validation of riverine water quality models.
Objective 1: Participate with ERDC researchers in the development, validation, and application of new water quality and vegetation dynamic models.
Task 1: Test, debug and support the HEC-RAS water quality model release and validate HEC-RAS water quality capability.
Task 2: Update and modify water quality libraries for multi-water column layers and support integrating water quality libraries into HEC-ResSim model.
Objective 2: Participate with ERDC and other agencies on developing plans necessary to perform Environmental Impact Statements for promotion of healthy watersheds.
Task 3: Develop Total Dissolved Gas (TDG) kinetics, and support debugging and testing HEC-RAS and CE-QUAL-W2 temperature and TDG models for the NWD’s Missouri river and Columbia and Snake rivers. Validate model results against observed temperature and TDG data collection at selected sites. Participate with the Project Team on conference calls and site meetings.
Three subtasks are divided under Task 3. Task 3.1 focuses on the Missouri River, Task 3.2 focuses on the Columbia River, and Task 3.3 focuses on the Snake river.