Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Development of Cultural Resources Baseline Documentation at English Camp and American Camp, San Juan Island National Historical Park

Project ID: P20AC01113

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Oregon

Fiscal Year: 2020

Initial Funding: $104,520

Total Funding: $164,520

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Cultural

Principal Investigator: Melnick, Robert

Agreement Technical Representative: Dolan, Joe

Abstract: Investigators from the UO and NPS staff will collaborate to accomplish the following objectives in two phases. This Agreement funds Phase 1 work, but may be modified to add future phases, subject to the availability of funding and satisfactory progress of project work.
Phase 1:
1. Update the Cultural Landscapes Inventory (CLI) for English Camp to include the current existing conditions and impacts of the site, add the areas of Mitchell Hill, Westcott Bay, Guss Island, Bell Point, Young Hill, and previously-documented pre-contact indigenous Coast Salish resources.
2. Prepare a Historic Structures Report (HSR) for American Camp to include detailed treatment recommendations for the redoubt.
Phase 2:
1. Update the CLI for English Camp to include a vulnerability assessment.
2. Update the National Register of Historic Places nomination for English Camp and American Camp to include the information from the CLIs.
NPS and UO will collaborate on each task and both partners will be substantially involved in the historical research, site documentation, preparation of the narratives, and design proposals creation tasks required to meet the project objectives. NPS will provide historical research, field documentation, and report writing assistance.