Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Digital Conversion of Denali Research Files

Project ID: J8W07100045

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Fiscal Year: 2010

Initial Funding: $52,490

Total Funding: $111,840

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Interdisciplinary

National Park: Denali National Park and Preserve

Principal Investigator: Robertson, Andy

Agreement Technical Representative: Withers, Jared

Abstract: The Denali National Park and Preserve (DENA) research administration archive has an extensive amount of historic research information including data, field reports, and project summaries from the early 1900’s through the late 1980’s. In many cases, these data include maps of study locations and sampling points plus the data (both raw and analyzed) that were recorded at project sites. At the present time, these files sit in several fireproof file cabinets (9 cabinets with four drawers each), a map case, and three traditional 5-drawer file cabinets in DENA and most of this information has not be adequately inventoried, cataloged, or digitized. In order to effectively use the research archive for park management, a systematic, multi-phased process of inventorying, cataloging, prioritizing, and digitally converting this large volume of historic park resource information is needed. This collaborative project will address this need. This project will allow for efficient searching of historic data and retrieval of relevant metadata allowing for an improved science-based approach to park management.