Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Distribution and Status of the Plants Endemic to the Paleosols of the Painted Hills Unit at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument

Project ID: J8W07060015

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2006

Initial Funding: $22,443

Total Funding: $26,443

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: John Day Fossil Beds NM

Principal Investigator: Kagan, Jimmy

Agreement Technical Representative: Hoh, Shirley

Abstract: The Painted Hills Unit of John Day Fossil Beds National Monument is renowned for its unique colorful hills of bare paleosol soils. Numerous native wildflowers, some listed as rare, substantially add to this colorful display during the spring and early summer season. These wildflowers are threatened by the existence of invasive non-native plants. This project will assist the Monument in documenting the extent of the threat of non-native plants in and around the paleosol soils by mapping and determining their distribution and status as well as the native species that are endemic to the paleosol soils. Without a sound inventory of both the native and non-native species, detailed native species lists, and the development of GPS and GIS monitoring tools and long-term
management strategies, there is a very strong likelihood that many, if not most of these unique, native species will be lost to nonnative plant encroachment over the next ten years.
