Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Ensuring Consistency in Plant Nomenclature in the North Coast and Cascades Network National Park Units

Project ID: P18AC00503

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2018

Initial Funding: $11,749

Total Funding: $11,749

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: North Coast and Cascades Network Inventory & Monitoring

Principal Investigator: Giblin, David

Agreement Technical Representative: Coles, Janet

Abstract: The goal for this project is to review plant nomenclature for the seven NCCN parks and ensure that names used in NCCN databases are up to date on the current accepted nomenclature. Consistency in plant nomenclature, across the seven NCCN parks, will facilitate summaries of temporal and spatial plant diversity across diverse physical landscapes. Consistency in plant names with recent updates will also support
collaborations with other land management agencies and the general public. NPS will work with the UW Burke Museum to update plant species lists to current regional nomenclature and taxonomic concepts.