Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Flight 93 Primary Interpretive Themes Project

Project ID: J8W07080012

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Portland State University

Fiscal Year: 2008

Initial Funding: $20,000

Total Funding: $20,000

Project Type: Education

Project Disciplines: Cultural

National Park: Flight 93 National Memorial

Principal Investigator: Mankowski, Eric

Agreement Technical Representative: Black, Barbara

Abstract: The NPS Flight 93 Memorial, The Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands, Portland State University, and University of Pennsylvania are collaborating under separate Cooperative Agreements to identify meanings ascribed to the Flight 93 Memorial by site visitors and the larger public. The meanings identified will be used to plan and develop interpretive and educational exhibits and presentations at the Flight 93 Memorial. Identified meanings will also be used to train interpreation and education practitioners. Data used to identify these meanings will come from a variety of existing sources and from site visitors and non-site or potential visitors. This Task Agreement describes the collaboration of the National Park Service and Portland State University. During Phase I of this project, Portland State University will analyze and code existing oral histories according to identified interpretive themes, emerging interpretive themes, and appropriate sub-categories. The result will be a database searchable by theme, sub category, and oral history, as well as a narrative summar.