Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Graduate student to help implement Pacific Region Fisheries Program communications, inreach, and outreach activities.

Project ID: F10AC00006

Federal Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Partner Institution: Portland State University

Fiscal Year: 2010

Initial Funding: $24,998

Total Funding: $84,998

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Biological

Principal Investigator: Kierstead, Martha

Agreement Technical Representative: Connolly, Sean

Abstract: Pacific Region – Fishe11es ProgJ71.JJ2 Accomplishments Communication Imtiative to sponsor a graduate assistant to help implement Pacific Region Fisheries Program communications, inreach, and outreach activities. This agreement provides $24,998 for tuition (four quarters per year over two years) and a monthly stipend for the student(s). The student(s) in turn provide(s) 150 hours per semester of project work at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife SeiVice, Regional Oflice, Division of Fishery Resources.

The goals of the project are to advance the Secretary’s Youth and the Great Outdoors initiative by educating and temporarily . employing young adults between the ages of 16-25 in natural resources careers, including communications and outreach, and to develop additional media and outreach materials specifically tor rhe Pacific Region Fishe1ies Progx:am. Tlus project is designed to give the student exposure to the array of regional Fisheries Progrnm activities, functions, and resource issues, with special focus on priority fisheries initiatives such as native species conse1vation, aquatic habitat conservation and restoration and Strategic Habitat Conservation, Hatchery reform, aquatic invasive species control and management, connecting people with nature, and climate ch;mge and Landscape• Conservation Cooperatives. The student will help the development and improvement of a variety of media
-used to inform intemal and external audiences of Pacific Fisheries Program stories, lughlights, and accomplishments. 11w Fisheries
ProgTam and PSU student(s) will seek to develop and complete ns mru1y activities, tools, and approaches that adv;mce the Scope of
Work Objectives ru1d broader Initiative as possible within this Agreement’s two-year timeline.

By entering into the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit with Portland St.