Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Historic Structure Report of the Oregon Caves Chalet

Project ID: P15AC01828

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Oregon

Fiscal Year: 2015

Initial Funding: $55,000

Total Funding: $55,000

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Cultural

National Park: Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve

Principal Investigator: Sardell, Shannon

Agreement Technical Representative: Herring, George

Abstract: This is a collaborative effort between the National Park Service (NPS) and the University of Oregon (UO) to develop and finalize a historic structure report of the Oregon Caves Chalet, with particular attention toward planning for future rehabilitation of the buUding. The Chalet is listed on the NationalRegister of Historic Places as a fine exampel of rustic architecture and contnbullng resource to the Oregon Caves Historic District. The Chalet IS also the center for visitor contact and operations at Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve (ORCA). The historic structure report (HSR) will be a detailed document focused on treatment needs of the Chalet. This HSR will include a building history, a chronology of development and use, providing context in relation to existing operations and the park’s circulation system, and construction details. II will also entail identification of the character-defining features and a condition assessment that includes analysis of the site, architectural components, and the structural, mechanical, and electrical systems. The Oregon Caves Chalet HSR and its findings will be shared with park visitors through interpretive media and programs, increasing public awareness, knowledge, and support for preservation and stewardship of ORCA’s cultural and historical heritage.