Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Identification of Ross Lake Social Science Needs

Project ID: J9W88030018

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2003

Initial Funding: $6,900

Total Funding: $6,900

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Social

National Park: North Cascades National Park

Principal Investigator: Ryan, Clare

Agreement Technical Representative: Oelfke, Jack

Abstract: In FY 2005, North Cascades Park Complex (NOCA) park managers and planners will begin work on a recreation management plan for the Ross Lake National Recreation Area. Information about visitors that is integral to an effective planning process is very limited. This project is the first phase of a multi-year project addressing social science information needs for NOCA and Ross Lake NRA specifically. The objectives of this phase are 1) to identify and prioritize park manager’s and planner’s needs for social science information to support the recreation management plan for Ross Lake NRA, and 2) to develop a detailed work plan for social science activities to occur in subsequent years.