Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Influence of Ravens on Baker GRSG Pop

Project ID: F18AC00396

Federal Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2018

Initial Funding: $50,000

Total Funding: $50,000

Abstract: Funds under this award are to be used to: (1) Evaluate interactive effects of ravens (presence and/or abundance) with anthropogenic subsidies, annual grass, and fire on sage-grouse; (2) Identify habitat characteristics associated with habitat use, abundance, and nest success of ravens, including anthropogenic subsidies, annual grass, and fire; (3) Assess raven foraging and roosting behavior associated with sagebrush habitat to determine non-lethal raven removal techniques; (4) Evaluate efficacy oflethal and non-lethal raven removal on wing tagged and radio-marked ravens; (5) Assess benefits of lethal and non-lethal raven removal on nest success, chick survival, and habitat use of sage-grouse; and (6) Evaluate differences in
sage-grouse habitat use, nest success, and chick survival in areas with proportionally more annual grass and/or burned area. In addition to standard financial and performance reports, annual updates (written and/or presentation) on the project implementation and preliminary findings are expected. Additionally, a final presentation upon project completion, including 2 PhD dissertations, are expected as a result of this project.

Purpose: The greater sage-grouse population has declined by 75% since 2005 in Baker, Oregon where
Oregon Department ofFish and Wildlife (ODFW) has quantified a coincident high density of ravens. You will evaluate ravens’ influence and the potential for lethal raven removal to benefit sage-grouse in Baker County. The Cow Lakes, Folly Farm-Saddle Butte, and Soldier Creek Priority Areas of Conservation (PACs) have also exhibited sage-grouse declines. These PACs are in an area (Jordan Valley, Oregon) with anecdotal high raven numbers. You will identify and implement non-lethal raven removal techniques around Jordan Valley and then compare the efficacy of non-lethal techniques to lethal raven removal in the Baker PAC and in tum, identify management strategies to improve sage-grouse demographic rates. You
will determine habitat characteristics associated with high densities of ravens, their nest success, and habitat use. Simultaneously, you will compare sage-grouse habitat use, nest success, chick survival, and population growth among years before and after lethal and hon-lethal raven removal. ·

The Service Will:
• Issue a start work letter to Dr. Dinkins authorizing the start of field work.
• Assist in field work associated with this project as staff time permits.
• Provide biological and technical expertise as required on study implementation and methods.

Tbe Recipient Will:
• Arrange all project logistics including housing for project staff.
• Coordinate all field work, data collection, management, and analyses, and reporting.
• Provide annual updates describing project implementation and preliminary findings to the Service and key stakeholders (written and/or oral presentation).
• Provide a final presentation to the Service and key stakeholders upon project completion.
• Administrate this Cooperative Agreement and any other contracts or services required to successfully complete the project.
• The Cooperator Administrative and Project Manager(s) must maintain proper books, records, and
accounts of all specific project expenditures for the project. The Service or its designated representative must have the right to review the appropriate documentation to verify project expenditures upon a 30-day notice in writing from the Service.