Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Influences of Post-Fire Salvage Logging on Soil Erosion

Project ID: HAF043F16

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2004

Initial Funding: $25,000

Total Funding: $25,000

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

Principal Investigator: Schoenholtz, Stephen

Agreement Technical Representative: Bergin, John

Abstract: This work would provide information on the influences of salvage and salvage intensity on soil erosion and sediment transport. It will also test the accuracy of RUSLE and WEPP predictions of soil erosion. This study will contribute a vital element to a companion study of the effects of salvage logging on wildlife populations. In addition these studies combined with the vegetation study (Anderson included in the EIS would fulfill some important research needs related to the recovery of burned areas and the influences of salvage on habitat recovery and development of late successional characteristics specifically within a Late-successional reserve.