Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Integration and Synthesis of the Scientific and Professional Literature on Soundscapes and Night Skies and Their Relationship to Outdoor Recreation

Project ID: P16AC00135

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Vermont and State Agriculture College

Fiscal Year: 2016

Initial Funding: $25,000

Total Funding: $49,674

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Interdisciplinary

Principal Investigator: Manning, Robert

Agreement Technical Representative: Wood, Lochen

Abstract: Given the substantial and growing scientific and professional literature on soundscapes and night skies and their increasing importance and implications for outdoor recreation, we propose to prepare a paper that integrates and synthesizes this literature. The understanding of these resources, related resources and the effect of noise and artificial light on the environment affects protection of park resources and values. In order to better understand the implications, the literature needs to be collected, reviewed, and summarized. Students involved in the project will gain expertise in the development of materials needed to conduct the respective field research.

Findings will be applied to resource protection and restoration measures in the NPS units and beyond. Better understanding of scientific findings will poise the park service to mitigate environmental issues, restore acoustic and lighting conditions, protect wildlife habitat, and enhance visitor experiences. This paper will be prepared for the National Park Service Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division and other federal land managers, and will also be submitted for publication and public review in a scientific/professional journal and future Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium conferences.