Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Koloa maoli (Anas wyvilliana), or Hawaiian Duck

Project ID: F10AC00080

Federal Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2010

Initial Funding: $49,642

Total Funding: $180,747

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Biological

Abstract: This project seeks to initiate a conservation effort to remove Koloa-mallard hybrids from the popoulation of birds on Kauai and collect data on daily and seasonal movement by Koloa to inform how hybrid removal projects can be most effeciently designed.Koloa maoli (Anas wyvilliana), or Hawaiian Duck, was listed us federally endangered in 1967 because of habitat loss and introduced predators and currently has the highest recovery priority among the four cmhmgcred waterbirds that ocelli’ on the main Hawaiian Islands. More recently,
hybridization with feral Mallards (A. platyrhynclws) has threatened remaining Koloa populations with loss of genetic integrity and controlling hybrids has been identified as the highest priority need to guarantee short term population persistence. •rhis project seeks to initiate a conservation action to rcmo,,e Koloa-mallard hy•brids from the population of birds on Kauai and collect data on daily and seasonal movements by Koloa to iuf’orm how hybrid removal projects can be most cf!1cicntly designed. We will trap birds at Ham1lei and Httkia NWRs and determine their status (pure Koloa, Kolou-mnllard hybrid) using a morphological key that
-Vas validated fi•om analysis of Koloa and hybrid DNA samples. Birds determined to be hybrids will be euthanizcd, pure Koloa will be banded wilh unique alpha numerically coded bands and released. We will conduct periodic surveys of wetland habitats urmmd Kauai to characterize seasonal movements ofKolon m•oLJnd Kauai by locating banded birds. Results will help remove the immediate threat of hybridiz.ntion to pme Koloa on Knuai and help understand the scale nnd seasonal movements on Kauai to help determine the scale m which additional hybrid removal projects need to be designed.