Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Orthorectification and Automation of KEFJ Landcover Mapping

Project ID: J8W07070018

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Fiscal Year: 2007

Initial Funding: $75,000

Total Funding: $75,000

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Southwest Alaska Network Inventory & Monitoring

Principal Investigator: Robertson, Andy

Agreement Technical Representative: Grunblatt, Jess

Abstract: This project will build a landcover mapping geographic information system (GIS) dataset from manually interpreted color infrared photography delineated under a separate agreement for Kenai Fjords National Park. Results will conform to a minimum national mapping accuracy standard of 1:63,360. This work will require scanning of color infrared photography and mylars with landcover delineations; orthorectification of scanned photography and mylars; vectorization of scanned mylars; compilation of all linework to build a single geodatabase; and attribution of the features in the geodatabase with landcover attributes. An initial pilot study
will be required to assess alternative orthorectification processing strategies.
