Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

ORWA CESU Writing and Publication of the Paisley Caves Archaeology Report

Project ID: L19AC00188

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: University of Oregon

Fiscal Year: 2019

Initial Funding: $49,939

Total Funding: $49,939

Principal Investigator: Jenkins, Dennis

Agreement Technical Representative: Cannon, William

Abstract: A. Objective(s): The University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History (MNCH) under the direction of Dr. Dennis Jenkins has been working on the Paisley Caves site for several years. This site is one of the most important sites in North America as it is one of the earliest sites known. Dr. Jenkins has amassed a large amount of information on the site which needs to be published. Publication of this data for presentation to professional archaeologist as well as the general public is one of the goals of the agency for use of archaeological sites.
B. Public Benefit(s): Publication of the Paisley Caves monograph will benefit the public by making the decade’s long accumulation of information easily available to the public and professional researchers in both the volume itself and the processed data in the appendices available on line through the University of Utah Press cloud storage. The book will provide strong incentive for public stewardship of archaeological resources by emphasizing the extreme value of undisturbed context in the effort to preserve and interpret archaeological sites, artifacts, and other cultural remains. Combined with the lectures and tours already annually provided by Jenkins and his field school staff, it will further benefit the people of Paisley, Lake County, and the State of Oregon by increasing the sense of common heritage and community. Tourism is increased and with it money vital to local businesses and schools in central Oregon.
C. Federal Award Performance Goals
The publication of a professional book on the prehistory of the Paisley Caves site. The product will be a completed draft of the monograph ready for submission to the University of Utah Anthropological Papers.