Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Population Dynamics of Forest Carnivores in Denali

Project ID: P15AC01013

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2015

Initial Funding: $34,732

Total Funding: $86,534

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Denali National Park and Preserve

Principal Investigator: Prugh, Laura

Agreement Technical Representative: Schirokauer, David

Abstract: The objective of this agreement is to support a graduate student program of study through the University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. The project will use methods developed previously by the Principal Investigator to track the distribution, abundance, and habitat partitioning among forest carnivores in Denali. Winter surveys of carnivore tracks in snow encountered along established routes will be conducted, and fecal DNA-based estimates of coyote and fox abundance will be obtained from scats collected along track survey routes. Estimates of prey abundance will be obtained by ongoing surveys of hare pellets on established plots. Coyote and wolf movement patterns and survival rates will be examined by radio-collaring and monitoring collared coyotes and wolves. Funds provided through this agreement will be used for graduate student support, technician salary, travel, and field supplies during the initial year of the project. During years 2-4, NPS intends to provide

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additional support as reflected in the budget. Future years’ funding is dependent on NPS budgets, availability of funds and results of previous year’s work.

The project will advance the University’s mission of education. The knowledge gained through this research will have far-reaching benefits to the public through increased understanding of the ecology of forest carnivores in northern regions and the interrelationships of complex predator­ prey communities. Management of large carnivores in Alaska is an extremely contentious issue and the subject of intense public interest. The information gained through this research will inform the public, policy makers, and State and Federal agencies and will facilitate better science­ based decision-making. The project includes a commitment by the researchers to provide public outreach through interpretive programs